Annie Mack Olsen

March 9 - April 27, 2022

Snow Capped Mountains Under the Cloudy Skies

Dear Annie,

In seven brief weeks, you graced our world,

A tiny star in the vast night, unfurled.

Annie Mack, your light shone so pure, so bright,

A fleeting spark, yet endless in its might.

Though your time with us was tender and brief,

You’ve left behind a love beyond belief.

In your honor, we now carry on,

Through "Annie's Stone," your legacy is drawn.

For families who walk this path of pain,

We offer them hope, in your sweet name.

A headstone to mark a life so dear,

A symbol of love, to draw them near.

Annie, your memory will forever remain,

A beacon of peace, through joy and through pain.

You’ll be a blessing to those who grieve,

Through "Annie's Stone," their hearts will believe.

In each stone we place, your spirit will thrive,

A reminder that love, like you, survives.

In every name we carve with care,

We feel your presence, everywhere.

With Love,

Grandpa Rulon and Bay Olsen

Annie’s Stone

White Marble Texture Background

Th​e beginning of Annie’s Stone

As owners of funeral homes, one of the hardest things we’ve ever had to do was to bury ​our precious granddaughter, Annie. On the night of April 27, 2022 our hearts shattered w​hen we learned of her passing. We had been counting the days until we could visit her, h​old her in our arms, and shower her with love, but that moment never came while she ​was alive. She was too pure, too innocent, for this crazy wor​l​d.

Since 2016, we've walked alongside countless families in their grief, offering comf​ort and support as they said goodbye to their loved ones. Yet nothing could prepare us ​for the pain of losing Annie. Through this heartache, we’ve found a way to honor ​her memory and bring solace to others. "Annie's Stone" was born from this love—a proj​ect dedicated to helping families who, like us, have faced the unimaginable loss of a chi​l​d.

A Snow Covered Mountain Under the White Sky

Our Fundraising Events:

1st Annual 5K Run and Walk:

“Turn On Your HeartLight Life Run.

September 28, 2024

Washington City, UT

Snow Capped Mountains Under the Cloudy Skies

For inquiries please contact